Save your first $1000 the Money Sass way!
Welcome to the Money Sass Club. Saving money as a stay at home mom can heel like a huge mountain to climb, but this challenge will help you break it down, step by step. The $1,000 Savings Challenge is the first of many designed for moms who want to make money sass goals, without feeling overwhelmed. What would an extra $1000 in the next 10 weeks do for your peace of mind and confidence as a mom?Scroll down to learn how it works and join today!
You're not in this alone!
Step 1: Join the challenge and tell us what you plan to do to reach $1000 in savings.Step 2: We will write back with more suggestions and a link to a free savings tracker and access to our free Facebook group.Step 3: Support and be supported through Zoom calls, contests and access to even bigger challenges in the future! We are all here to cheer you on.
Ready to save?
Enter your email below to start the FREE $1,000 challenge and get your free savings tracker. You will also receive weekly tips, motivational emails and tools to help you stay on track.